Course: Russian Methodology 1

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Course title Russian Methodology 1
Course code KRF/DIS1N
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Master
Year of study 1
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Valova Liudmila, Doc. CSc.
  • Pešková Michaela, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. DCJ as a science and in the system of sciences. Structure of the discipline. 2. Changes in the understanding of the basic categories and terms of DCJ. Eternal questions of DCJ. DCJ c system of transmissive and constructivist pedagogy. 3. Factors of foreign language teaching-learning. Principles of teaching-learning CJ. Linguistic foundations of teaching CJ/RJ. 5. The CJ/RJ teacher. The teacher's portfolio. Teacher evaluation tools. Action research. 5. Learner typologies in relation to CJ teaching. Autonomous learning. Psychological foundations of CJ teaching. Motivation. Formative assessment. 6. Strategies for learning CJ. Principles of mother tongue and foreign language acquisition. 7. Russian as a second (third) foreign language. The idea of multilingualism and state language policy. 8. Stages of learning and mastering CJ. SERRJ - introduction. 9. Development of DCJ 1 methods. 10. Development of DCJ 2 methods. 11. Current trends and alternative methods in teaching RJ. DCJ in TBL, CBI and SCA approaches. 12. Workshop with a practising teacher. Reflection on own practice. Case study.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture supplemented with a discussion, Lecture with a video analysis, Skills demonstration, Task-based study method, Lecture, Lecture with visual aids, Seminar
  • Contact hours - 52 hours per semester
  • Presentation preparation (report in a foreign language) (10-15) - 15 hours per semester
  • Individual project (40) - 40 hours per semester
Not defined.
communicate in Russian at level C1
learning outcomes
define basic terms of didactic discourse in both Czech and Russian
characterize the input factors of the teaching process and the scientific environment of the field didactics
explain the anchoring of the teaching of a second foreign language in curricular documents
describe the development of foreign language teaching methods
use modern activation methods in practical Russian teaching with the involvement of ICT
design effective exercises according to the textbook and own materials with regard to the objectives of teaching
use different organizational forms of teaching
prepare, execute and evaluate the micro output in front of classmates (initial phase of Russian language teaching)
accept pupils' individual learning strategies
write a future foreign language teacher portfolio
teaching methods
Lecture with visual aids
Lecture with a video analysis
Skills demonstration
Individual study
Collaborative instruction
Task-based study method
Collaborative instruction
assessment methods
Continuous assessment
Skills demonstration during practicum
Formative evaluation
Continuous assessment
Peer evaluation of students
Recommended literature
  • Cizí jazyky.
  • Rámcový vzdělávací programy pro gymnázia. 2022.
  • Russkij jazyk za rubežom.
  • AKIŠKINA, A. A., KAGAN, O. E. Učimsja učiť. Dlja prepodavatelja russkogo jazyka kak inostrannogo. Moskva : Russkij jazyk, Kursy,, 2012. ISBN 978-5-88337-044-0.
  • Council of Europe. Common European framework of reference for languages: learning, teaching, assessment. Companion volume. Council of Europe Publishing. 2020.
  • Council of Europe. Společný evropský referenční rámec pro jazyky: Jak se učíme jazykům, jak je vyučujeme a jak v jazycích hodnotíme. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. 2002.
  • HENDRICH, J. cizích jazyků: Celost. vysokošk. učebnice pro stud. filozof. a pedagog. fakult. Praha : SPN, 1988.
  • CHODĚRA, R. Didaktika cizích jazyků: úvod do vědního oboru. Praha : Academia,, 2013. ISBN 978-80-200-2274-5.
  • CHODĚRA, R.; RIES, L. Výuka cizích jazyků: na prahu nového století II. Ostrava : Ostravská univerzita, 2000. ISBN 80-7290-281-4.
  • CHODĚRA, R.; RIES, L. Výuka cizích jazyků: na prahu nového stolet. Ostrava : Ostravská univerzita, 1999. ISBN 80-7042-157-6.
  • JANÍKOVÁ, V. a kol. Výuka cizích jazyků. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2011. ISBN 978-80-210-5719-8.
  • JANÍKOVÁ, V., PÍŠOVÁ, M., HANUŠOVÁ, S. a kol. Metodologické otázky výzkumu výuky cizích jazyků. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2011. ISBN 978-80-210-5718-0.
  • JANÍKOVÁ, V., PÍŠOVÁ, M., HANUŠOVÁ, S. (eds.). Výzkum výuky cizích jazyků. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2011. ISBN 978-80-210-5719-8.
  • KLINKA, T. a kol. Interdisciplinarita ve výuce jazyků. Praha: Karolinum, 2021. ISBN 978-80-246-4955-.
  • KOTRBA, Tomáš a LACINA, Lubor. Aktivizační metody ve výuce: příručka moderního pedagoga. Brno: Barrister & Principal, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7485-043-1.
  • MOSKOVKIN, L. V. a ŠČUKIN, A. N. Istorija metodiki obučenija russkomu jazyku kak inostrannomu. Naučnoje izdanije.. Moskva: Russkij jazyk. Kursy, 2013. ISBN 978-5-88337-331-1.
  • PEŠKOVÁ, M. Didaktika RJ 1. Plzeň : Západočeská univerzita, 2011.
  • PETRIKOVÁ, A., KUPRINA, T., GALLO, J. Vvedennie v didaktiku i mežkul´turnuju kommunikaciju.. Prešov: FF, 2013. ISBN 978-80-555-9766-8.
  • PURM, R., JELÍNEK, S., VESELÝ, J. Didaktika ruského jazyka: vybrané kapitoly. Hradec Králové : Gaudeamus, 2003. ISBN 80-7041-174-0.
  • RIES, L., KOLLÁROVÁ, E. (eds.); HANZLÍKOVÁ, M. [et al.]. Svět cizích jazyků dnes: inovační trendy v cizojazyčné výuce = Svet cudzích jazykov dnes : inovačné trendy v cudzojazyčnej výučbe. Bratislava : Didaktis, 2004. ISBN 80-89160-11-5.
  • ROZBOUDOVÁ, Lenka. Sovremennaja didaktika russkogo jazyka kak vtorogo inostrannogo: rečevyje umenija = Moderní didaktika ruštiny jako dalšího cizího jazyka: řečové dovednosti.. Praha: Karolinum, 2020. ISBN 978-80-246-4635-0.
  • Svetlana V. Nuss, Cynthia L. Martin. Student-Centered Approaches to Russian Language Teaching: Insights, Strategies, and Adaptations. Routledge, 2022. ISBN 9781032266626.
  • Svetlana V. Nuss, Wendy Whitehead Martelle. Task-Based Instruction for Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language. Routledge, 2022. ISBN 9780367704438.
  • ŠČUKIN, A. N. Metodika obučenija rečevomu obščeniju na inostrannom jazyke. Učebnoje posobije dlja prepodavatelej i studentov jazykovych vuzov.. Moskva: Izdatel´stvo Ikar, 2011. ISBN 978-5-7974-0259-6.
  • ŠČUKIN, A. N. Obučenije rečevomu obščeniju na russkom jazyke kak inostrannom. Metody. Prijemy. Rezul´taty.. Moskva: Russkij jazyk. Kursy, 2012. ISBN 978-5-88337-285-7.
  • ŠČUKIN, A. N. Teorija obučenija inostrannym jazykam (lingvodidaktičeskie osnovy). Učebnoje posobije dlja prepodavatelej i studentov jazykovych vuzov.. Moskva: VK, 2012. ISBN 978-5-98405-109-5.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester