Course: Cultural Anthropology and Ecology

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Course title Cultural Anthropology and Ecology
Course code KSA/KUL
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminar
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 3
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory, Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Tremčinský Martin, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Soukupová Blanka, Doc. PhDr. CSc.
Course content
1. Introduction 2. Ecological anthropology 3. Ecology 4. Collapse 5. Methodology 6. Foragers 7. Cultivators 8. Pastoralists 9. Ethnobiology 10. Landscape 11. Perception of environment 12. Technology 13. Test

Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture supplemented with a discussion, E-learning, Cooperative instruction, Discussion, Multimedia supported teaching, Seminar classes, Textual studies
  • Preparation for comprehensive test (10-40) - 25 hours per semester
  • Contact hours - 39 hours per semester
  • Presentation preparation (report) (1-10) - 10 hours per semester
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 30 hours per semester
to distinguish between logical operators when searching for information in virtual space
to read and understand professional text in Czech
to read and understand professional text in English
to use electronic information resources
learning outcomes
to evaluate the relationship between the natural environment and society
to characterize and critically evaluate the approach and potential of ecological anthropology
to critically review the information received
to create arguments when discussing with others
to independently present and interpret a text in front of an audience
to review literature
to search and use information in digital databases (Human Relations Area Files, Proquest, J-stor, etc.)
to create a structured text with academic parameters (structure, literature selection, citations)
to critically reflect on the sources and literature he works with
teaching methods
Lecture supplemented with a discussion
Self-study of literature
Multimedia supported teaching
Textual studies
Cooperative instruction
Self-study of literature
Textual studies
Multimedia supported teaching
Cooperative instruction
Seminar classes
Self-study of literature
Textual studies
Multimedia supported teaching
assessment methods
Oral exam
Individual presentation at a seminar
Individual presentation at a seminar
Oral exam
Individual presentation at a seminar
Recommended literature
  • Brosius, P. The politics of Ethnographic Presence: Sites and Topologies in the Study of Transnational Enviromental Movements. In New Directons in Anthropology and Enviroment. C. L. Crumley, E. A. van Deventer, and J. J. Fletcher, eds. Pp. 150-176. Walnut Creek: Altamira Press, 2001.
  • Diamond, Jared M. Collapse : how societies choose to fail or succeed. New York : Viking, 2005. ISBN 0-670-03337-5.
  • Ingold, Tim. The perception of the environment : essays on livelihood, dwelling and skill. London ; Routledge, 2000. ISBN 0-415-22832-8.
  • Johnson, Allen W.; Earle, Timothy. The evolution of human societies : from foraging group to agrarian state. 2nd ed. Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2000. ISBN 0-8047-4031-3.
  • Kottak, Conrad Phillip. Cultural anthropology. 7th ed. New York : McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991. ISBN 0-07-035615-7.
  • Lapka, Miloslav; Gottlieb, Miroslav. Rolník a krajina : kapitoly ze života soukromých rolníků. Vyd. 1. Praha : Sociologické nakladatelství, 2000. ISBN 80-85850-83-4.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Arts Study plan (Version): Humanities (19-5) Category: Philosophy, theology 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Winter
Faculty: Faculty of Arts Study plan (Version): Humanities (19-4) Category: Philosophy, theology 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Winter
Faculty: Faculty of Arts Study plan (Version): Social and Cultural Anthropology (16-5) Category: Philosophy, theology 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Winter
Faculty: Faculty of Arts Study plan (Version): Social and Cultural Anthropology (16-5) Category: Philosophy, theology 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Winter