Course: Laboratory Practice

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Course title Laboratory Practice
Course code KSA/LPAN
Organizational form of instruction Practice
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 10
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Friedl Lukáš, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Pankowská Anna, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Galeta Patrik, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Laboratory preparation, cleaning, restoration of bones. Basic evidence of skeletal material. Cration of database of isolated bones.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Cooperative instruction, Laboratory work
  • Practical training (number of hours) - 120 hours per semester
  • Contact hours - 26 hours per semester
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 60 hours per semester
  • Preparation for laboratory testing; outcome analysis (1-8) - 8 hours per semester
  • Graduate study programme term essay (40-50) - 45 hours per semester
podrobně popsat anatomii lidské kostry a zubů
pracovat ve strukturovaném procesu, ve kterém na sebe jednotlivé kroky navazují, a nelze zaměnit jejich pořadí
learning outcomes
vysvětlit a popsat teorii zásad laboratorního zpracování kosterních pozůstatků
zvolit vhodný postup laboratorního zpracování v závislosti na stavu zachovalosti koster
kódovat, katalogizovat a dokumentovat izolované kosti
vytvořit a pracovat s databází izolovaných kostí
provést základní metody laboratorního zpracování kosterního materiálu
čistit, umýt, sušit, rekonstruovat a konzervovat izolované kosti
teaching methods
Laboratory work
Cooperative instruction
Group discussion
Laboratory work
Cooperative instruction
Skills demonstration
Individual study
Group discussion
assessment methods
Skills demonstration during practicum
Individual presentation at a seminar
Seminar work
Skills demonstration during practicum
Seminar work
Practical exam
Individual presentation at a seminar
Recommended literature
  • Bass, W. M. Human Osteology: A Laboratory and Field Manual. Missouri Archeological Society, Special Publication No. 2, 1987.
  • Čihák, Radomír. Anatomie : Učebnice pro lék. fak. [Díl] 1.. 1. vyd. Praha : Avicenum, 1987.
  • Scheuer, Louise; Black, Sue. Developmental juvenile osteology. San Diego : Academic Press, 2000. ISBN 0-12-624000-0.
  • White, Tim D. Human osteology. San Diego : Academic Press, 2000. ISBN 0-12-746612-6.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Arts Study plan (Version): Anthropology of Past Populations (16-4) Category: Biology courses 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Winter