Course content
I. Introduction - human variation and adaptability. The history of research in human variation. II. The context for human variation and adaptability I: the heritability, II: plasticity. III. The context for human variation and adaptability III: population, species and etnic group. The critique of racial concept. IV. Genetic traits and human variation. Phenotypic traits and human variation I: dermal and cranial markers. V. Phenotypic traits and human variation II: body size and proportions. Human adaptation and accomodation. VI. Temperature adaptation and termoregulation. Adaptations for solar radiation. VII. Human adaptations in desert environments. Seminar "deserts". VIII. Human adaptations in arctic zones. Seminar "arctic zones". IX. Human adaptations in high altitudes. Seminar "high altitudes". X. Human adaptation in tropical environments. Seminar "tropical forests". XI. Seminar (rests from previous seminars) XI. TEST
Learning activities and teaching methods
Discussion, Skills demonstration, Lecture, Seminar
- Contact hours
- 52 hours per semester
- Preparation for comprehensive test (10-40)
- 40 hours per semester
- Presentation preparation (report) (1-10)
- 10 hours per semester
- Preparation for an examination (30-60)
- 28 hours per semester
prerequisite |
Knowledge |
komunikovat na odborné úrovni v cizím jazyce |
Skills |
porozumět a interpretovat odborný text v českém jazyce |
porozumět a interpretovat odborný text v anglickém jazyce |
learning outcomes |
Knowledge |
charakterizovat a popsat biologické, sociální a kulturní kořeny variability minulých a současných populací člověka |
rozpoznat a rozlišit interakce člověka a prostředí a jeho schopnost genetické, fyziologické a behaviorální přizpůsobivosti |
Skills |
z biologické, populační, evoluční a statistické perspektivy spojit do vztahu rozpory lidské klasifikace, koncept ?lidských ras? a biologicko-populační alternativy k těmto rasovým koncepcím |
teaching methods |
Knowledge |
Lecture |
Discussion |
Self-study of literature |
Individual study |
Skills |
Seminar classes |
Discussion |
Skills demonstration |
Individual study |
Self-study of literature |
Students' portfolio |
assessment methods |
Knowledge |
Written exam |
Test |
Skills |
Test |
Individual presentation at a seminar |
Recommended literature
Molnar, Stephen. Human variation : races, types, and ethnic groups. Upper Saddle River, N. J. : Prentice Hall, 2002. ISBN 0130336688.
Moran, E.F. Human adaptability: Introduction to ecological anthropology. New York: Westview Press Inc.,U.S., 1998.
Stringer, Chris; Andrews, Peter. The complete world of human evolution. London : Thames and Hudson, 2005. ISBN 978-0-500-05132-0.