Course: History of Photography

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Course title History of Photography
Course code KTD/ODFOT
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Brozman Dušan, M.A.
Course content
1. List of lectures, Bibliography, Seminar work. 2. 19th centrury. 3. Painting a photography, Pictorialism, Art Nouveau. 4. Futurism, Constructivism. 5. Straight photography / New factuality. 6. Dada Surrealism. 7. Human body in photography I. 8. Human body in photography II. 9. Fashion photography I. 10.Portrait I. 11.Documentary and journalistic photography I. 12.Documentary and journalistic photography II. 13.Test.

Learning activities and teaching methods
E-learning, Discussion, Multimedia supported teaching, Students' self-study, Self-study of literature, Lecture, Lecture with visual aids
  • Presentation preparation (report) (1-10) - 20 hours per semester
  • Preparation for comprehensive test (10-40) - 35 hours per semester
  • Contact hours - 52 hours per semester
No particular prerequisites specified.
to provide basic knowledge of technical and technological procedures of photography, analog then digital, to compare and analyze different artistic expressions by criteria of esthetics, semiotics and technique on basic level, to specify basic knowledge of supporting arts disciplines, to have basic knowledge about artistic and style canons of evolution of visual and applied art,
to work systematically on either seminar work or own learning, to show interest in learning of theory of problematics usable in own practical work, to use basic expresive means and options of photography and its different methods, to work independently and activelly and flexibly react to evaluating commentary of the teacher,
learning outcomes
of the important aspects that have shaped photography from its beginnings to the present (the invention of photographs, founder and personalities of Czech and world photography, historical context of other artistic disciplines), to describe the evolution of photographic technology and appliances, of the role and location of the photo in society,
to specify and analyze beginnings of czech and world photography, to compare present and older forms of photography, to use different present and historical forms and methods for own creation, to describe and specify different forms of photpgraphy and their options for own work with reference to expamples and illustrations,
teaching methods
Lecture with a video analysis
Field trip
Multimedia supported teaching
Self-study of literature
Individual study
One-to-One tutorial
assessment methods
Individual presentation at a seminar
Continuous assessment
Combined exam
Seminar work
Individual presentation at a seminar
Recommended literature
  • Ateliér : čtrnáctideník současného výtvarného umění : fortnightly journal of contemporary art.
  • Fotografie magazín : měsíčník pro klasickou a digitální fotografii. Praha : Časopisy pro volný čas, 1994..
  • Birgus V., Scheufler. P. Fotografie v českých zemích 1839 - 1999.
  • Birgus, Vladimír; Mlčoch, Jan. Akt v české fotografii = The nude in Czech photography. Praha : Kant, 2001. ISBN 80-86217-35-3.
  • Hlaváč L. Dějiny slovenskej fotografie. Osveta, 1989.
  • J. Anděl. Vybrané kapitoly z dějin fotografie, Skripta ÚKVC, Praha, 1978, V. Birgus, P. Scheufler : Fotografie v českých zemích 1839 - 1999, Grada Publishing, 1999, L. Hlaváč : Dějiny slovenskej fotografie, Osveta, 1989,L. Hlaváč : Dějiny fotografie, Osveta, 1987, D. Mrázková, V. Remeš : Cesty československé fotografie, Mladá fronta, 1989, D. mrázková, V. Remeš : Příběh fotografie, Mladá fronta, 1985, R. Skopec : Dějiny fotografie od nejstarších dob k dnešku, Orbis, 1963, A. Lábová : Dějiny československé fotožurnalistiky, Skripta ŽF UK, SNP, 1977, V. Birgus, J. Mlčoch : Akt v české fotografii, KANT. 2000.
  • Lábová A. Dějiny československé fotožurnalistiky. skripta FŽ UK, SNP, 1977.
  • L.Hlaváč. Dějiny fotografie. Osveta, 1987.
  • Mrázková, Daniela. Příběh fotografie : Vyprávění o historii světové fotografie prostřednictvím životních a tvůrčích osudů významných osobností a mezních vývojových okamžiků. Praha : Mladá fronta, 1986.
  • Mrázková Daniela, Remeš Vladimír. Cesty československé fotografie : Vyprávění o historii čs. fotografie prostřednictvím životních a tvůrčích osudů vybraných osobností a mezních vývojových okamžiků..
  • Skopec R. Dějiny fotografie od nejstarších dob k dnešku. Orbis, 1963.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester