Valach Petr, Mgr. Ph.D.
Špottová Petra, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Introduction to the subject didactics of school physical education, Instruction on Compliance with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Rules in Teaching 2. Teaching unit in school P.E. from the point of view of didactic, physiological, sociological and psychological aspects. 3. Basics of reflection and evaluation of teaching for the needs of physical education and sports practice. 4. Organizational forms of the physical education process. 5. Didactic-organizational forms in physical education. 6. Didactic-organizational forms in physical education. 7. Teaching methods, procedures and methods. 8. Didactic management styles in physical education. 9. Curriculum in school physical education. 10. Pupil in the educational process. 11. Framework and school education program and work with it. 12. Didactic principles of the teaching process. 13. Final summary and evaluation.
Learning activities and teaching methods
One-to-One tutorial, Individual study, Textual studies, Lecture
- Practical training (number of hours)
- 13 hours per semester
- Individual project (40)
- 10 hours per semester
- Contact hours
- 13 hours per semester
- Preparation for formative assessments (2-20)
- 10 hours per semester
- Graduate study programme term essay (40-50)
- 10 hours per semester
- Presentation preparation (report) (1-10)
- 5 hours per semester
prerequisite |
Knowledge |
to use basic terminology of all areas of physical education and sport |
to justify the anatomical - physiological basis of movement activity in relation to the educational content of physical education at secondary school |
Skills |
to determine the content of individual parts of PE lessons at secondary school |
to propose a methodology of practice of motor skills and development of motor abilities in individual sports branches |
to apply theoretical knowledge to practical units with different focus, with different use of hand apparatus and equipment |
to propose ways of organizing teaching in order to maintain the efficiency and safety of the physical education process |
Competences |
N/A |
learning outcomes |
Knowledge |
to use basic terms from didactics of PE and its modifications |
to actively use didactic terminology |
to define the content and organizational content of individual parts of P.E. lessons at secondary school |
Skills |
to apply basic didactic principles, teaching methods and procedures in teaching physical education at secondary school |
to actively use the basic elements of optimization and efficiency in teaching physical education |
to modify individual elements from the teaching process to the creation of movement-recreational programs and various types of teaching units |
to prepare and record in writing the preparation for the P.E. lesson, to submit teaching observation record of the PE lesson |
to design a model teaching unit and justify its structure and use of didactic leadership styles |
to critically evaluate the work of his/her colleague, to assess the critical components of work of a P.E. teacher |
Competences |
N/A |
teaching methods |
Knowledge |
Seminar |
Lecture |
Skills |
Seminar |
Skills demonstration |
Collaborative instruction |
Cooperative instruction |
Discussion |
Students' portfolio |
One-to-One tutorial |
Competences |
Seminar |
Task-based study method |
Skills demonstration |
Students' portfolio |
Cooperative instruction |
assessment methods |
Knowledge |
Test |
Skills |
Skills demonstration during practicum |
Self-evaluation |
Seminar work |
Individual presentation at a seminar |
Competences |
Skills demonstration during practicum |
Individual presentation at a seminar |
Self-evaluation |
Peer evaluation of students |
Recommended literature
CANGELOSI, J. S. Strategie řízení třídy : jak získat a udržet spolupráci žáků při výuce. Praha : Portál, 2006. ISBN 80-7367-118-2.
HNÍZDILOVÁ, M. Tělovýchovné chvilky, aneb, pohyb nejen v tělesné výchově. Brno: MU. 2006.
KOLÁŘ, Z., VALIŠOVÁ, A. Analýza vyučování. Praha: Grada, 2009.
Kyriacou, Chris. Klíčové dovednosti učitele : cesty k lepšímu vyučování. Praha : Portál, 1996. ISBN 80-7178-022-7.
Schmidt, Richard A.; Wrisberg, Craig A. Motor learning and performance : a situation-based learning approach. 4nd ed. Champaign : Human Kinetics, 2008. ISBN 978-0-7360-6964-X.
Vilímová, Vlasta. Didaktika tělesné výchovy. Brno : Paido, 2002. ISBN 80-7315-033-6.