Course: State final exam

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Course title State final exam
Course code KTV/SZPPP
Organizational form of instruction no contact
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 0
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Čepička Ladislav, Doc. Ph.D.
Course content
Topics for the State Final Examination: - biomechanics in sport - exercise physiology - organization and management of physical activities - prevention of civilization diseases - sport psychology - epidemiology - didactics of physical recreation activities - research methods, diagnostics of physical activity and physical performance - preventive movement programs for employees - projects of physical activity events

Learning activities and teaching methods
Discussion, Skills demonstration
to evaluate the importance of physical activity for individuals and society, health, fitness and regeneration, social inclusion, human resources development, etc. in a national, European and world context; to explain management principles in the profession: programs, projects, events and priorities in local, national and international environments; to define the contribution, role and importance of humanities and biomedical knowledge - general and applied, their impact on health, quality of life and stimulation of motor performance in different target groups; to explain contemporary theories, concepts, projects and scientific studies of the kinanthropology educational field as well as in relation to other areas of education; to explain theory, classification and structure of motor assumptions according to physical education and analysis of scientific research results; to evaluate related knowledge and theories of physical fitness development, their specificities in different target groups; to use the theory and methodology of scientific work in kinanthropology and related fields of science, quantitative, qualitative triangulation methods, including the application of advanced statistical methods; to explain theoretical concepts of upbringing and education, possibilities and limits of their application in conditions of practice in kinanthropology; to identify possibilities of pedagogical, didactic and psychological procedures and interventions in kinanthropology, indications and contradictions in common and non-traditional conditions of their application;
to plan, organize and in a creative way, differentiate according to current conditions, to conduct fitness programs and evaluate the results achieved according to the assignment and set priorities; to determine, according to theoretical knowledge, the level of sensorimotor development and individual needs of the persons concerned, the relevant frequency, intensity, extent and content of the exercise load, management strategy and monitoring of the exercise process; apply management principles in the creation, organization and management of programs, projects and events; to design differentiated physical programs for children, youth, adults and seniors in different types (school, sports, social, etc.) based on education theories and recommended and own research projects; to plan and organize, manage and evaluate the physical education process of entrusted persons in accordance with theories of the development of motor skills and skills; to use methods of kinantropological diagnostics in correcting both the ongoing and final problem solving, including substantive and statistical evaluation of the significance of the changes made; to present evidence on the quality of physical education processes in a group, to critically analyze different opinions, to rationally argue and to create room for independent decisions; to modify research procedures and methods according to the nature of the tasks solved, to design and implement partial action experiments; to design complex research projects, to formulate hypotheses according to the obtained quantitative and qualitative data, and to accept adequate conclusions and generalizations including their comparison with similar domestic or foreign researches; to use continuous data to describe the level of fitness in small groups of probands, interpret the changes based on the intraindividual approach, apply idiographic monitoring of extreme cases (for example, time series assessments and changes in subject performance); to solve complex problems on the basis of interconnection of acquired data using one-dimensional or advanced statistical methods
learning outcomes
Successful completion of the exam students demonstrate that they are able to identify the key knowledge of study field, put them to correlate and apply them to solve real problems.
to evaluate the importance of physical activity for individuals and society, health, fitness and regeneration, social inclusion, human resources development, etc. in a national, European and world context; to explain management principles in the profession: programs, projects, events and priorities in local, national and international environments; to define the contribution, role and importance of humanities and biomedical knowledge - general and applied, their impact on health, quality of life and stimulation of motor performance in different target groups; to explain contemporary theories, concepts, projects and scientific studies of the kinanthropology educational field as well as in relation to other areas of education; to explain theory, classification and structure of motor assumptions according to physical education and analysis of scientific research results; to evaluate related knowledge and theories of physical fitness development, their specificities in different target groups; to use the theory and methodology of scientific work in kinanthropology and related fields of science, quantitative, qualitative triangulation methods, including the application of advanced statistical methods; to explain theoretical concepts of upbringing and education, possibilities and limits of their application in conditions of practice in kinanthropology; to identify possibilities of pedagogical, didactic and psychological procedures and interventions in kinanthropology, indications and contradictions in common and non-traditional conditions of their application;
to plan, organize and in a creative way, differentiate according to current conditions, to conduct fitness programs and evaluate the results achieved according to the assignment and set priorities; to determine, according to theoretical knowledge, the level of sensorimotor development and individual needs of the persons concerned, the relevant frequency, intensity, extent and content of the exercise load, management strategy and monitoring of the exercise process; apply management principles in the creation, organization and management of programs, projects and events; to design differentiated physical programs for children, youth, adults and seniors in different types (school, sports, social, etc.) based on education theories and recommended and own research projects; to plan and organize, manage and evaluate the physical education process of entrusted persons in accordance with theories of the development of motor skills and skills; to use methods of kinantropological diagnostics in correcting both the ongoing and final problem solving, including substantive and statistical evaluation of the significance of the changes made; to present evidence on the quality of physical education processes in a group, to critically analyze different opinions, to rationally argue and to create room for independent decisions; to modify research procedures and methods according to the nature of the tasks solved, to design and implement partial action experiments; to design complex research projects, to formulate hypotheses according to the obtained quantitative and qualitative data, and to accept adequate conclusions and generalizations including their comparison with similar domestic or foreign researches; to use continuous data to describe the level of fitness in small groups of probands, interpret the changes based on the intraindividual approach, apply idiographic monitoring of extreme cases (for example, time series assessments and changes in subject performance); to solve complex problems on the basis of interconnection of acquired data using one-dimensional or advanced statistical methods
teaching methods
Skills demonstration
assessment methods
Oral exam
Recommended literature
  • Dále viz literatura jednotlivých předmětů studijního oboru a časopisecké odborné publikace.
  • Dovalil, J. a kol. Lexikon sportovního tréninku. Praha, 2008.
  • Fleischmann, J., Linz, R. Anatomie člověka I., II.. Praha, 1987.
  • Fromel, K. Úvod do didaktiky tělesné výchovy. Olomouc, 1982.
  • Havlíčková, L. a kol. Fyziologie tělesné zátěže - obecná část. Praha, 1994.
  • Rychtecký, A., Fialová, L. Didaktika školní tělesné výchovy. Praha, 1998.
  • Trefný, Z., Trefný, M. Fyziologie člověka I., II.. Praha, 1993.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester