Course: Studio 10

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Course title Studio 10
Course code KVU/DS10
Organizational form of instruction Seminary
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 17
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Verner Martin, MgA.
Course content
1.-13. Assigning the topic of the semestral project (SW), information about the semester plan and teacher´s requirements. Learning the subject of using a jewel depending on the environment and applying a jewel as a conveyor of certain meanings. Situations where jewel plays a distinctive role in social communication will be explained. - Jewel for various occasions - wedding, burial, theatre and concert, formal occasions, ritual jewel, theater requisite, film jewel, costume jewellery. - Continuous consultations, corrections and creating the semestral project. - Handing in the final version of the project to the teacher on time - Research of both historical and contemporary processing, a graphic output, - Presentation.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Collaborative instruction, Project-based instruction, Instruction based on dialogue, Multimedia supported teaching, Students' portfolio, One-to-One tutorial, Skills demonstration, Task-based study method, Individual study, Seminar
  • Individual project (40) - 100 hours per semester
  • Graduate study programme term essay (40-50) - 50 hours per semester
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 65 hours per semester
  • Presentation preparation (report) (1-10) - 20 hours per semester
  • Contact hours - 208 hours per semester
designing variants with a view to correctly linking the function and aesthetics of the product using the options of common material shaping and the ways of hematization of composition and material relations in context of given topic, of the technical and technological procedures of processing a 3D model of a product or prototype of complex project assignment, of critically assessing his own work in a discipline context, to use the appropriate forms of presentation and promotion of the prototype/project, to justify and defend their own design activities in relation to other members of the design team, to effectivelly search information about local and foreign companies and individuals research the same problematics, to design innovations in technology and product functionality,
to sketch by free hand and 3D editors the design variants of the product, to suggest variants of object, object, jewelry, both in flat and spatial layout, with respect to its technical functionality and aesthetic qualities, to choose the most appropriate option and create complex project documentation and portfolio, to submit proposal and selection to the contracting authority and to explain it with regard to the assignment and the established requirements, to choose the appropriate modeling technology and to design the prototype technology, based on the technical, technological and ergonomic principles of jewelery and metal design, to individually propose new forms of jewellery for intended targeted group, to use reflective strategies of their own style of work and relationship to the chosen or chosen topic, to submit proposal and selection to the contracting authority and to explain it with regard to the assignment and the established requirements, to choose the appropriate technology for producing the final product based on its usage, to elaborate technical documentation of manufacturing,
learning outcomes
about planning of more complex project to design more difficult object or jewellery focused on creating and the knowledge of using jewellery in social connections (suitable use of jewellery to identify characters of individuals and actions in both religious and secular contexts), about organizing the time and work on the project, about designing variants with a view to correctly linking the function and aesthetics of the product, about influence of design and shaping to the function and other factors of the accessories, of ways of communicating with the contracting authority in order to identify his / her requirements, about technological procedures of other disciplines needed to elaborate design and realization of a jewllery on professional level, about local and foreign companies and individuals research the same problematics, about designing innovations in technology and product functionality, about recent and historical trends and about their influence on owk and others work, about the material culture, its development and mutual influence, about specific particular technical and technological procedures in manufacturing own design in industrial measure,
to individually elaborate a project with focuse on creating and the knowledge of using jewellery in social connections (suitable use of jewellery to identify characters of individuals and actions in both religious and secular contexts) based on general assignment, to find several different variants of solution with accent on diferent functional and processing aspects, to choose most suitable variant, to individually choose a sphere of creation and designing of own interest, to be individually finding innovations and own style, writes and equips visualization of the project of jewellery search in the given thematic area with accompanying research on historical and contemporary production, including own graphic output, based on the analysis of the assigned task to apply the most appropriate alternative of material and technologies and combination suitable for specific instance, to be an active part of a team, to represent own discipline and profession and to individually learn to help develop the common project, to choose the appropriate modeling technology and design the prototype technology, to elaborate the prototype of high quality with the declared procedures, to create a 3D model of complex product using standard modeling techniques, 3D editors and 3D printing, to critically assess his/her own work in the field context and style framework, to choose appropriate forms of presentation and promotion of the prototype/project, to reflect effects of propagation and to choose most suitable forms for targeted group, to choose from large scales of presentation forms and to elaborate chosen forms in corresponding quality, to be able to present product and its problematics to general and professional society in different contexts, to justify the value of the product / project in the interdisciplinary context, in fornt of a customer and other members of a team,
teaching methods
Students' portfolio
One-to-One tutorial
Seminar classes
Skills demonstration
Students' portfolio
assessment methods
Seminar work
Continuous assessment
Skills demonstration during practicum
Practical exam
Seminar work
Recommended literature
  • Pro orientaci v oboru kromě jeho samotné historie, je důležitá znalost aktuálních tendencí. Proto jsou studenti v rámci výuky upozorňováni na články v odborném tisku, výstavy a webové adresy..
  • Slovenský šperk. Bratislava: Slovenská národná galéria, 1991. ISBN 80-85188-13-9.
  • Baumgärtel, Rolf. Schmuck und Edelsteine. Leipzig: Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie.
  • Hejdová, D. a spol. Dějiny uměleckého řemesla a užitého umění v českých zemích I. Praha, 1999.
  • Křížová, Alena. Kov - šperk 1993. Brno: Dům umění, 1993.
  • Mergl, Jan. Moser 1857-1997. Karlovy Vary: Moser, 1997.
  • Shirley, A. Frank. Metal: design and construction. Amersham: Hulton Educational Publications, 1973. ISBN 0-7175-0653-3.
  • Voillot, Patrick. Diamants et pierres précieuses. Paris: Gallimard, 1997. ISBN 2-07-053427-8.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester