Course: Graphic Techniques - Gravure

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Course title Graphic Techniques - Gravure
Course code KVU/GTH
Organizational form of instruction Seminar
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 6
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kocman Jan, MgA. Mgr.
Course content
Subject content 1. Initial lesson, defining the content of the subject, introduction to the intaglio matter, overview of tools and used materials. Explaining the relationship of the branch to the other branches and the proportion relationship of the current position of the branch to printing practice. 2. - 3. Preparation for the semester work realization. 4. - 12. Continuous working and handing in the seminar works. Consultations and realization of the semester project. 13. Final lesson.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Collaborative instruction, Cooperative instruction, Project-based instruction, One-to-One tutorial, Individual study, Lecture with visual aids
  • Contact hours - 78 hours per semester
  • Individual project (40) - 40 hours per semester
  • Undergraduate study programme term essay (20-40) - 40 hours per semester
The ability to cooperate in group tasks.
to compare and analyze different artistic expressions by criteria of esthetics, semiotics and technique on basic level, to specify basic knowledge of supporting arts disciplines, to have basic knowledge about artistic and style canons of evolution of visual and applied art,
to use basic expresive means and options of photography and its different methods, to work independently and activelly and flexibly react to evaluating commentary of the teacher, to design visual graphics metaphors with erudition on options of graphics, to cooperate and to paticipate in team organisation on team given task,
learning outcomes
of discipline in the historical context, its relationship with other disciplines and the use of the same principle in polygraphist practice, of technical and technolgical methods and their comparison to other methods, of particular procedures leading to recreation of a picture,
choose optimal means of realization of artistic intent and choose the most suitable one, to individually use basic graphic procedures, tools and materials used in this graphic discipline in own creative work, to plan and cooperate on elaboration of team project using the expressive means of this graphic discipline
teaching methods
Lecture with visual aids
One-to-One tutorial
Skills demonstration
Individual study
Students' portfolio
Field trip
assessment methods
Individual presentation at a seminar
Continuous assessment
Skills demonstration during practicum
Group presentation at a seminar
Individual presentation at a seminar
Recommended literature
  • katalogy výstav souč. výtv. umělců, Česká kresba.
  • katalogy výstav souč. výtv. umělců, Česká kresba. 20.
  • Monografie a katalogy našich a světových grafiků.
  • oborové příručky.
  • Baleka, Jan. Výtvarné umění : výkladový slovník : malířství, sochařství, grafika. Praha : Academia, 1997. ISBN 80-200-0609-5.
  • Časopisy. Česká grafika.
  • Krejča, Aleš. Techniky grafického umění : Průvodce pracovními postupy a dějinami originální tiskové grafiky. Praha : Artia, 1981.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester