Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art (FDU)
Study programme
Audiovisual Art (N0211A310006)
Branch of study / Specialization
(N0211A310006S02/2 - 1)
Level of acquired qualification
Postgraduate Master
Form of study
Standard length of study
2 years
Number of ECTS credits
Qualification awarded
Master of Arts (6)
Access to further studies
Doctoral study programme
Type of completion
State Final Exam
Study and Examination Code
Faculty coordinator for international students
Sloupová Andrea, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
Email: lsintern@fdu.zcu.cz
Phone: +420 377 636 716
Key learning outcomes
The aim of the study is to develop graduate competencies in the following areas: a) authorial and custom creation in the field of free and used photography, b) reflection of own style framework and its comparison with other authors, c) independent and conscious choice of expressive means of art and applied art for their work with an emphasis on mastering the future development of new technologies, d) flexible management of multidisciplinary projects and language education, increasing the graduate's competitiveness in the labor market.
Specific admission requirements
Passing a talent-based entrance examination
Specific provisions for recognition of prior learning
Recognition of subjects completed in previous studies at another university in the Czech Republic or abroad is governed by Articles 26 to 33 of the Study and Examination Regulations of the UWB.
Qualification requirements and regulations
Graduation, state final examination, presentation and defense of the qualification work.
Profile of the programme
Persistence requirements
Podmínky pokračování studia se řídí ustanoveními uvedenými v aktuální a platné verzi Studijního a zkušebního řádu Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, nebo aktuálními a platnými vnitřními normami fakulty,které tuto oblast upravují. Obecně lze konstatovat, že v navazujícím magisterském studijním programu se standardní dobou studia 2 roky, je nutno získat minimálně 120 kreditů v předepsané skladbě. Pro absolvování studia a získání titlulu MgA., je nutné vypracovat a obhájit diplomovou práci a úspěšně složit státní závěrečnou zkoušku.
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples
Graduate of Photography manages projects in the creative industry. They are capable of independent creative work in the field of visual art, responding to serious current social issues. He / she is well informed in contemporary visual art and is able to reflect his / her own work in a broader context. At an advanced level, it manages the latest digital technologies that link static photography to dynamic media. It realizes complex author and custom projects combining digital image processing technologies. In the area of communicative competence, he / she is prepared for research, writing technical and technological documentation and exploring the style of his / her own creation, supported by knowledge of art history and art history, communicating with the client in order to clarify the problem. in a broader context.
Branch of study / Specialization guarantor
Jarcovjáková Libuše, Mgr.