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The aim of the course will be the introduction to the historical and methodological issues of mentioned approach, whereas a special attention will be centered on the possibilities of practical use of European Ethnology within the Czech context.European Ethnology (Ethnologia Europaea, EE) as a label of methodological-theoretical approach of ethnographical work enters the West European research context from the 60´s of the 20th century. Within its framework there has not only the expansion of the traditional ethnographical study of European populations taken place, but also the innovation of the very object of ethnographical interest. Through the process of "exotization" of the areas, which had seemed to be known before and therefore had not been included in the ethnographical research, the attention was turned to various subcultural manifestations of mass complex societies, to the study of so called small cultural distinctions, or more precisely there was an appeal to work out a so called reflexive discourse within the discipline. Thus it is possible, within the broader context of social sciences, to consider the European Ethnology as an example of interdisciplinary conception, which has successfully integrated various approaches that earlier had not been directly associated with the ethnographical research. From the methodological perspective it is possible to perceive it as an attempt to do a synthesis of the tradition of Middle European "Volkskunde" on the one side, and the "Völkerkunde" on the other side, additionally enriched by the impulses of Anglo-Saxon anthropology and of other social scientific disciplines.