V tejto práci som sa zamerala ma antisemitizmus vo Veľkej Británii. Prvá časť sa týkala príchodu Źidov na územie Veľkej Británie a ako sa vyvíjal ich život v tejto krajine v rámci antisemitizmu za vlády rôznych panovníkov. Postupne som takto prechádzala cez ďalšie obdobia až po ich vyhnanie z krajiny v roku 1290. Ďalšia čast sa spájala s ich návratom do tejto krajiny a ako sa vývýjal ich život po druhýkrát v rámci meniacej sa spoločnosti vo Veľkej Británii a inej formy antisemitizmu. Toto obdobie sa v mojej práci končí krátko po Druhej Svetovej vojne. Nasledovala časť, kde som uviedla rôzne definície termínov antisemitizmu, sionizmu, antisionizmu a anti Izraelu, kedže sú to termíny, ktoré sa v súčasnosti používajú pre rôzne situácie a zamieňajú sa. Potom som opísala pár prípadov antisemitizmu v školstve a politike a pred záverom som uviedla krátky odstavec so štatistickými údajmi. Táto práca obsahuje aj obrazovú prílohu.
Annotation in English
The aim of this MA these was to describe antisemism in the Great Britain. This topic is not new and it is not unique only to this country. There were plenty of studies, statistics and books written on this topic, which I used in this work. Apart from them I also used TV, radio recordings and also interview I conducted with Mr Gary Mond. In the first part I talked about arrival of the Jewish people to the Great Britain with the Norman king William the Conqueror and looked at various forms of antisemitism coming from the mob and also from the kings ruling mostly on the 12th and 13th century, which ended with the expulsion of these people by Edward I. in the 1290. Then I moved to the period of and after the return of the Jewish people to the Geat Britain. In the chapters that followed I looked at the first steps and attempts of the Jewish people to the Great Britain and I mentioned personalities such as Menasse Ben Israel or Oliver Cromwell who stood behind and who helped with returning of these people to this contry. Then described the situation of the Jewish people in Britain not only pointing out forms or examples of antisemitism, but also at how was this community thriwing, developing and slowly partialy intergrating in this country. This second section was finished by the events after the Second World War. In the fourth chapter I looked in more details at various definitions and development of the terms antisemitism, sionism, anti sionism and anti Izrael which was then followed by the chapters focusing on the antisemitism in the educational system and in the British politics as those two are hot topics in the current media reports. Various statistical data closed this section of the work, which was followed by the ending, bibliography this resume and pictures.
antisemitism, Jews, Zionism, anti Zionism, education, Conservative party, Labour party,
Length of the covering note
V tejto práci som sa zamerala ma antisemitizmus vo Veľkej Británii. Prvá časť sa týkala príchodu Źidov na územie Veľkej Británie a ako sa vyvíjal ich život v tejto krajine v rámci antisemitizmu za vlády rôznych panovníkov. Postupne som takto prechádzala cez ďalšie obdobia až po ich vyhnanie z krajiny v roku 1290. Ďalšia čast sa spájala s ich návratom do tejto krajiny a ako sa vývýjal ich život po druhýkrát v rámci meniacej sa spoločnosti vo Veľkej Británii a inej formy antisemitizmu. Toto obdobie sa v mojej práci končí krátko po Druhej Svetovej vojne. Nasledovala časť, kde som uviedla rôzne definície termínov antisemitizmu, sionizmu, antisionizmu a anti Izraelu, kedže sú to termíny, ktoré sa v súčasnosti používajú pre rôzne situácie a zamieňajú sa. Potom som opísala pár prípadov antisemitizmu v školstve a politike a pred záverom som uviedla krátky odstavec so štatistickými údajmi. Táto práca obsahuje aj obrazovú prílohu.
Annotation in English
The aim of this MA these was to describe antisemism in the Great Britain. This topic is not new and it is not unique only to this country. There were plenty of studies, statistics and books written on this topic, which I used in this work. Apart from them I also used TV, radio recordings and also interview I conducted with Mr Gary Mond. In the first part I talked about arrival of the Jewish people to the Great Britain with the Norman king William the Conqueror and looked at various forms of antisemitism coming from the mob and also from the kings ruling mostly on the 12th and 13th century, which ended with the expulsion of these people by Edward I. in the 1290. Then I moved to the period of and after the return of the Jewish people to the Geat Britain. In the chapters that followed I looked at the first steps and attempts of the Jewish people to the Great Britain and I mentioned personalities such as Menasse Ben Israel or Oliver Cromwell who stood behind and who helped with returning of these people to this contry. Then described the situation of the Jewish people in Britain not only pointing out forms or examples of antisemitism, but also at how was this community thriwing, developing and slowly partialy intergrating in this country. This second section was finished by the events after the Second World War. In the fourth chapter I looked in more details at various definitions and development of the terms antisemitism, sionism, anti sionism and anti Izrael which was then followed by the chapters focusing on the antisemitism in the educational system and in the British politics as those two are hot topics in the current media reports. Various statistical data closed this section of the work, which was followed by the ending, bibliography this resume and pictures.
antisemitism, Jews, Zionism, anti Zionism, education, Conservative party, Labour party,
Research Plan
Magisterská práca bude spracovaná na základe doporučenej odbornej literatúry a prameňov. Literatúra a všetky pramene budú riadne citované podľa normy. Bude dodržaná formálna úprava kvalifikačnej práce podľa požiadavkov FF. Spracovanie materiálov a tvorenie magisterskej práce budem konzultovať s mojou vedúcou kvalifikačnej práce.
Research Plan
Magisterská práca bude spracovaná na základe doporučenej odbornej literatúry a prameňov. Literatúra a všetky pramene budú riadne citované podľa normy. Bude dodržaná formálna úprava kvalifikačnej práce podľa požiadavkov FF. Spracovanie materiálov a tvorenie magisterskej práce budem konzultovať s mojou vedúcou kvalifikačnej práce.
Recommended resources
Barnett, E., 2016. Anti-semitism hasn't disappeared in Britain-we've just got better at hiding it. The Telegraph, [online] 19 March. Dostupné na: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/politics/anti-semitism-hasnt-disappeared-in-britain---weve-just-got-better/ [Použité 9.5.2016].
Cardaun, S. K., 2015. Countering Contemporary Antisemitism in Britain. Jewish identities in a changing world, Vol. 25. ALL-ALL --. Leiden: Brill
Dathan, M., 2016. Sadiq Khan attends Holocaust memorial as first act as Mayor of London - a day after the last Labour mayor repeated controversial claims that Hitler supported Zionism. Daily Mail, [online] 8 May. Dostupné na: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3579714/Sadiq-Khan-attends-Holocaust-memorial-act-Mayor-London-day-Labour-mayor-repeated-controversial-claims-Hitler-Zionist.html [Použité 9.5.2016].
Iganski, P., 1999. Legislating against hate: outlawing racism and antisemitism in Britain.
CSP: critical social policy: a journal of socialist theory and practice in social welfare, Vol. 19 (58-61/1), str. 129-142. Longman Group Ltd.
Iganski, P. a Kosmin, B., eds., 2003. The new antisemitism?: debating Judeophobia in 21st-century Britain. London: Profile.
Julius, A., 2012. Trials of the Diaspora: A History of Anti-Semitism in England. Oxford: OUP Oxford.
Langmuir, G. I., 1996. Toward a Definition of Antisemitism. California: University of California Press.
Michael, R., 2008. A History of Catholic Antisemitism: The Dark Side of the Church. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Renshaw, D., 2016. Prejudice and paranoia: a comparative study of antisemitism and Sinophobia inturn-of-the-century Britain. Patterns of prejudice, Volume 50 (1), str. 38-60.Taylor & Francis.
Tilles, D., 2016. British Fascist Antisemitism and Jewish Responses, 1932-1940. London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, Bloomsbury Academic.
Recommended resources
Barnett, E., 2016. Anti-semitism hasn't disappeared in Britain-we've just got better at hiding it. The Telegraph, [online] 19 March. Dostupné na: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/politics/anti-semitism-hasnt-disappeared-in-britain---weve-just-got-better/ [Použité 9.5.2016].
Cardaun, S. K., 2015. Countering Contemporary Antisemitism in Britain. Jewish identities in a changing world, Vol. 25. ALL-ALL --. Leiden: Brill
Dathan, M., 2016. Sadiq Khan attends Holocaust memorial as first act as Mayor of London - a day after the last Labour mayor repeated controversial claims that Hitler supported Zionism. Daily Mail, [online] 8 May. Dostupné na: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3579714/Sadiq-Khan-attends-Holocaust-memorial-act-Mayor-London-day-Labour-mayor-repeated-controversial-claims-Hitler-Zionist.html [Použité 9.5.2016].
Iganski, P., 1999. Legislating against hate: outlawing racism and antisemitism in Britain.
CSP: critical social policy: a journal of socialist theory and practice in social welfare, Vol. 19 (58-61/1), str. 129-142. Longman Group Ltd.
Iganski, P. a Kosmin, B., eds., 2003. The new antisemitism?: debating Judeophobia in 21st-century Britain. London: Profile.
Julius, A., 2012. Trials of the Diaspora: A History of Anti-Semitism in England. Oxford: OUP Oxford.
Langmuir, G. I., 1996. Toward a Definition of Antisemitism. California: University of California Press.
Michael, R., 2008. A History of Catholic Antisemitism: The Dark Side of the Church. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Renshaw, D., 2016. Prejudice and paranoia: a comparative study of antisemitism and Sinophobia inturn-of-the-century Britain. Patterns of prejudice, Volume 50 (1), str. 38-60.Taylor & Francis.
Tilles, D., 2016. British Fascist Antisemitism and Jewish Responses, 1932-1940. London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, Bloomsbury Academic.