List of courses for selected education branch: Biology courses

Course code Course name
Course code Course name Semester Language of instruction Number of ECTS credits Course availability
CBG/ALGO Phycology course
CBG/ALGO Phycology course Summer Czech 3  
CBG/APBI Applied Biology
CBG/APBI Applied Biology Winter Czech 3  
CBG/APBIN Applied Biology
CBG/APBIN Applied Biology Winter and summer Czech 3  
CBG/BAP1 Batchelor Work 1
CBG/BAP1 Batchelor Work 1 Winter Czech 2  
CBG/BAP2 Batchelor Work 2
CBG/BAP2 Batchelor Work 2 Summer Czech 10  
CBG/BCZBO Final State Examination - Spezialization
CBG/BCZBO Final State Examination - Spezialization Summer Czech 0  
CBG/BICL Human Biology
CBG/BICL Human Biology Winter Czech 3  
CBG/BICLN Human Biology
CBG/BICLN Human Biology Winter and summer Czech 4  
CBG/BIČ Human Biology
CBG/BIČ Human Biology Winter and summer Czech 3  
CBG/BIČN Human Biology
CBG/BIČN Human Biology Winter and summer Czech 3  
CBG/BIOG Biogeography
CBG/BIOG Biogeography Winter Czech 1  
CBG/BIOGN Biogeography
CBG/BIOGN Biogeography Summer Czech 2  
CBG/BITC Biological Technology
CBG/BITC Biological Technology Winter and summer Czech 3  
CBG/BITE Biological Technology
CBG/BITE Biological Technology Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/BIZV Child Biology and Health Education
CBG/BIZV Child Biology and Health Education Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/BIZVM Child Biology and Health Education
CBG/BIZVM Child Biology and Health Education Winter Czech 2  
CBG/BI1ZV Child Biology and Health Education
CBG/BI1ZV Child Biology and Health Education Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/BOTS1 Systematic Botany 1
CBG/BOTS1 Systematic Botany 1 Winter and summer Czech 5  
CBG/BOTS2 Systematic Botany 2
CBG/BOTS2 Systematic Botany 2 Winter and summer Czech 5  
CBG/BOT1 Systematic Botany 1
CBG/BOT1 Systematic Botany 1 Winter and summer Czech 4  
CBG/BOT2 Systematic Botany 2
CBG/BOT2 Systematic Botany 2 Summer Czech 4  
CBG/BP2 Batchelor Work 2
CBG/BP2 Batchelor Work 2 Summer Czech 7  
CBG/BRYO Bryology and lichenology course
CBG/BRYO Bryology and lichenology course Winter Czech 2  
CBG/BSZS Biological seminary (VT)
CBG/BSZS Biological seminary (VT) Winter and summer Czech 3  
CBG/CYMI Cytology
CBG/CYMI Cytology Winter and summer Czech 5  
CBG/CYTO Cytology
CBG/CYTO Cytology Summer Czech 3  
CBG/CYTON Cytology
CBG/CYTON Cytology Summer Czech 5  
CBG/DB1ZN Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 1
CBG/DB1ZN Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 1 Winter Czech 2  
CBG/DB1ZS Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 1
CBG/DB1ZS Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 1 Winter Czech 1  
CBG/DB2ZN Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 2
CBG/DB2ZN Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 2 Summer Czech 2  
CBG/DB2ZS Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 2
CBG/DB2ZS Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 2 Summer Czech 3  
CBG/DB3S Didactic of biology 3
CBG/DB3S Didactic of biology 3 Winter and summer Czech 4  
CBG/DB3SS Didactic of biology 3
CBG/DB3SS Didactic of biology 3 Winter Czech 4  
CBG/DB3ZN Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 3
CBG/DB3ZN Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 3 Winter Czech 3  
CBG/DB3ZS Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 3
CBG/DB3ZS Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 3 Winter Czech 4  
CBG/DIBPN Didactic of experimental biology
CBG/DIBPN Didactic of experimental biology Winter Czech 3  
CBG/DIEX Didactic excursion 1
CBG/DIEX Didactic excursion 1 Summer Czech 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
CBG/DIGE Didactics geology
CBG/DIGE Didactics geology Winter Czech 2  
CBG/DIPE Methodol. of Teaching Cultivation for BS
CBG/DIPE Methodol. of Teaching Cultivation for BS Winter and summer Czech 1  
CBG/DI1 Didactic excursion 1
CBG/DI1 Didactic excursion 1 Summer Czech 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
CBG/DI2 Didactic excursion 2
CBG/DI2 Didactic excursion 2 Winter Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
CBG/DS2 Thesis Related Seminar 2
CBG/DS2 Thesis Related Seminar 2 Winter and summer Czech 12  
CBG/DS2N Thesis Related Seminar 2
CBG/DS2N Thesis Related Seminar 2 Winter and summer Czech 10  
CBG/EKOO Ecology
CBG/EKOO Ecology Winter Czech 3  
CBG/EKOS Special ecology
CBG/EKOS Special ecology Winter Czech 2  
CBG/ENVR Environmental Education
CBG/ENVR Environmental Education Winter and summer Czech 4  
CBG/ENVRN Environmental Education
CBG/ENVRN Environmental Education Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/ENVY Environmental Education
CBG/ENVY Environmental Education Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/EVBG Evolutional Biology
CBG/EVBG Evolutional Biology Winter and summer Czech 3  
CBG/EVBI Evolutional Biology
CBG/EVBI Evolutional Biology Winter and summer Czech 3  
CBG/EXBI Biology Field Trip
CBG/EXBI Biology Field Trip Summer Czech 2  
CBG/EXBO Visits in Botany
CBG/EXBO Visits in Botany Winter Czech 2  
CBG/EXBO2 Visits in Botany 2
CBG/EXBO2 Visits in Botany 2 Winter Czech 2  
CBG/EXDG Didactics excursion biology and geology
CBG/EXDG Didactics excursion biology and geology Summer Czech 2  
CBG/EXGP Geology and Palaeontology Field Trip
CBG/EXGP Geology and Palaeontology Field Trip Summer Czech 2 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
CBG/EXME Mediterranean Fauna and Vegetation
CBG/EXME Mediterranean Fauna and Vegetation Winter Czech 2  
CBG/EXVY Scientific field excursion
CBG/EXVY Scientific field excursion Summer Czech 2  
CBG/EX1MO Multidisciplinary field excursion
CBG/EX1MO Multidisciplinary field excursion Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/FABO Pharmaceutical Botany
CBG/FABO Pharmaceutical Botany Winter Czech 3  
CBG/FACR Fauna of the Czech Republic
CBG/FACR Fauna of the Czech Republic Summer Czech 2  
CBG/FYRC Plant Physiology Practice
CBG/FYRC Plant Physiology Practice Winter and summer Czech 1  
CBG/FYRP Plant Physiology
CBG/FYRP Plant Physiology Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/FYZC Animal Physiology Practice
CBG/FYZC Animal Physiology Practice Winter and summer Czech 1  
CBG/FYZP Animal Physiology
CBG/FYZP Animal Physiology Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/GENE Genetics
CBG/GENE Genetics Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/GENEN Genetics
CBG/GENEN Genetics Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/GEO Fiences about the Earth
CBG/GEO Fiences about the Earth Winter Czech 3  
CBG/GEON Fiences about the Earth
CBG/GEON Fiences about the Earth Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/HGPT Palaeontology and Historical Geology
CBG/HGPT Palaeontology and Historical Geology Summer Czech 2  
CBG/HIGE Palaeontology and Historical Geology
CBG/HIGE Palaeontology and Historical Geology Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/KIBO Indication botany course
CBG/KIBO Indication botany course Summer Czech 2  
CBG/KVCR Flora of Czech Republic
CBG/KVCR Flora of Czech Republic Summer Czech 3  
CBG/LMBI1 Laboratory Methods in Biology 1
CBG/LMBI1 Laboratory Methods in Biology 1 Winter and summer Czech 3  
CBG/LMBI2 Laboratory Methods in Biology 2
CBG/LMBI2 Laboratory Methods in Biology 2 Winter and summer Czech 3  
CBG/MIKC Practical Microbiology
CBG/MIKC Practical Microbiology Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/MIKP Microbiology
CBG/MIKP Microbiology Winter and summer Czech 3  
CBG/MIPE Geology for Biology Students
CBG/MIPE Geology for Biology Students Winter Czech 3  
CBG/MOBB Molecular and cell biology
CBG/MOBB Molecular and cell biology Winter Czech 3  
CBG/MOBB1 Molecular and cell biology 1
CBG/MOBB1 Molecular and cell biology 1 Winter Czech 2  
CBG/MOBB2 Molekulární a buněčná biologie 2
CBG/MOBB2 Molekulární a buněčná biologie 2 Summer Czech 2  
CBG/MOBI Molecular and Cell Biology
CBG/MOBI Molecular and Cell Biology Winter Czech 3  
CBG/MOBIN Molecular and Cell Biology
CBG/MOBIN Molecular and Cell Biology Winter and summer Czech 3  
CBG/MODO Appropriate Model Org. in the Teaching
CBG/MODO Appropriate Model Org. in the Teaching Winter and summer Czech 4  
CBG/MOPSB Science communication for biology
CBG/MOPSB Science communication for biology Winter Czech 1  
CBG/MYEX Mycology Field Trip
CBG/MYEX Mycology Field Trip Winter Czech 2  
CBG/OBFR General Botany
CBG/OBFR General Botany Winter and summer Czech 6  
CBG/OBOP General Botany
CBG/OBOP General Botany Summer Czech 4  
CBG/OZFZ General Zoology
CBG/OZFZ General Zoology Winter and summer Czech 6  
CBG/OZOP General Zoology
CBG/OZOP General Zoology Summer Czech 4  
CBG/OZOPN General Zoology
CBG/OZOPN General Zoology Summer Czech 5  
CBG/OZP Enviromental protection and conservation
CBG/OZP Enviromental protection and conservation Winter Czech 2  
CBG/PABI Paleobiology
CBG/PABI Paleobiology Winter and summer Czech 1  
CBG/PABIN Paleobiology
CBG/PABIN Paleobiology Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/PEP1 Practical Cultivation Course
CBG/PEP1 Practical Cultivation Course Summer Czech 2  
CBG/PEST Cultivation 1
CBG/PEST Cultivation 1 Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/PESTN Cultivation 1
CBG/PESTN Cultivation 1 Winter and summer Czech 3  
CBG/SYNA Synantropic Vegetation
CBG/SYNA Synantropic Vegetation Winter Czech 2  
CBG/SZB Final State Examin. in Biology
CBG/SZB Final State Examin. in Biology Winter and summer Czech 0  
CBG/TCZB Biology and Its Teaching Methodology
CBG/TCZB Biology and Its Teaching Methodology Summer Czech 0  
CBG/ZASZ Biology and Its Teaching Methodology
CBG/ZASZ Biology and Its Teaching Methodology Summer Czech 0  
CBG/ZOOS1 Systematic Zoology 1
CBG/ZOOS1 Systematic Zoology 1 Winter and summer Czech 5  
CBG/ZOOS2 Systematic Zoology 2
CBG/ZOOS2 Systematic Zoology 2 Winter and summer Czech 5  
CBG/ZOO1 Systematic Zoology 1
CBG/ZOO1 Systematic Zoology 1 Winter and summer Czech 4  
CBG/ZOO2 Systematic Zoology 2
CBG/ZOO2 Systematic Zoology 2 Summer Czech 4  
CBG/9BION Biogeography
CBG/9BION Biogeography Summer Czech 1  
CBG/9BITC Biological Technology
CBG/9BITC Biological Technology Winter and summer Czech 0  
CBG/9CYTN Cytology
CBG/9CYTN Cytology Winter and summer Czech 0  
CBG/9DB1Z Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 1
CBG/9DB1Z Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 1 Winter Czech 2  
CBG/9DB2Z Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 2
CBG/9DB2Z Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 2 Summer Czech 2  
CBG/9DB3N Didactic of biology 3
CBG/9DB3N Didactic of biology 3 Winter Czech 0  
CBG/9DIBN Didactic of experimental biology
CBG/9DIBN Didactic of experimental biology Winter Czech 0  
CBG/9DIGE Didactics geology
CBG/9DIGE Didactics geology Winter and summer Czech 1  
CBG/9D1ZN Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 1
CBG/9D1ZN Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 1 Winter Czech 1  
CBG/9D2ZN Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 2
CBG/9D2ZN Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 2 Winter and summer Czech 1  
CBG/9D3ZN Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 3
CBG/9D3ZN Method.of Teach. Biology for BS Teach. 3 Winter Czech 1  
CBG/9EKOO Ecology
CBG/9EKOO Ecology Winter Czech 0  
CBG/9ENVN Environmental Education
CBG/9ENVN Environmental Education Winter and summer Czech 1  
CBG/9FYRP Plant Physiology
CBG/9FYRP Plant Physiology Winter and summer Czech 1  
CBG/9MIPE Geology for Biology Students
CBG/9MIPE Geology for Biology Students Winter Czech 1  
CBG/9MOBB Molecular and cell biology
CBG/9MOBB Molecular and cell biology Winter Czech 0  
CBG/9MODO Appropriate Model Org. in the Teaching
CBG/9MODO Appropriate Model Org. in the Teaching Winter and summer Czech 1  
CBG/9MOPB Science communication for biology
CBG/9MOPB Science communication for biology Winter Czech 0  
CBG/9OBFR General Botany
CBG/9OBFR General Botany Winter and summer Czech 1  
CBG/9OBOP General Botany
CBG/9OBOP General Botany Summer Czech 1  
CBG/9OZON General Zoology
CBG/9OZON General Zoology Summer Czech 1  
CBG/9PABI Paleobiology
CBG/9PABI Paleobiology Winter and summer Czech 2  
CBG/9PABN Paleobiology
CBG/9PABN Paleobiology Winter and summer Czech 1  
CBG/9PESN Cultivation 1
CBG/9PESN Cultivation 1 Winter and summer Czech 1  
CBG/9ZP1 Batchelor Work 1
CBG/9ZP1 Batchelor Work 1 Winter and summer Czech 1  
CBG/99DB3 Didactic of biology 3
CBG/99DB3 Didactic of biology 3 Winter and summer Czech 1  
CBG/99DGE Didactics geology
CBG/99DGE Didactics geology Winter and summer Czech 1  
CBG/99DIB Didactic of experimental biology
CBG/99DIB Didactic of experimental biology Winter and summer Czech 1  
KFI/HFBHN History and Philosophy of Biology
KFI/HFBHN History and Philosophy of Biology Winter and summer Czech 3  
KFI/SHFB History and Philosophy of Biology
KFI/SHFB History and Philosophy of Biology Summer Czech 2  
KFI/SHFBL History and Philosophy of Biology
KFI/SHFBL History and Philosophy of Biology Summer Czech 3  
KGE/GEMO Applied Regional Geography
KGE/GEMO Applied Regional Geography Summer Czech 3  
KGE/GISB1 GIS 1 Summer Czech 4  
KGE/GMO Geography of Small Areas
KGE/GMO Geography of Small Areas Winter Czech 2  
KGE/RSVE Regional specifics of epidemics
KGE/RSVE Regional specifics of epidemics Winter Czech 4  
KIV/VINF Information Visualization
KIV/VINF Information Visualization Winter and summer Czech 6  
KIV/ZOF Fundamentals of Human Physiology
KIV/ZOF Fundamentals of Human Physiology Winter and summer Czech 6  
KKY/UIM Introduction to Engineering Modelling
KKY/UIM Introduction to Engineering Modelling Winter Czech 2  
KKY/ZMB Introduction to Cellular System Modeling
KKY/ZMB Introduction to Cellular System Modeling Summer English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KMA/DRB1 Differential Equations in Biology I
KMA/DRB1 Differential Equations in Biology I Winter and summer Czech 3  
KMA/DRB2 Differential Equations in Biology II
KMA/DRB2 Differential Equations in Biology II Winter and summer Czech 3  
KMA/MM Mathematical Modelling
KMA/MM Mathematical Modelling Winter Czech 5  
KMA/MMM2 Mathematical Modelling Methods 2
KMA/MMM2 Mathematical Modelling Methods 2 Summer Czech 5  
KME/ZAF Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
KME/ZAF Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Winter and summer Czech 5  
KMM/BM Biomaterials
KMM/BM Biomaterials Summer Czech 4  
KMT/AAO Astronomy for Everybody
KMT/AAO Astronomy for Everybody Winter and summer Czech 2  
KMT/AI Astronomy and Internet
KMT/AI Astronomy and Internet Winter and summer Czech 2  
KMT/ASTR Astronomy
KMT/ASTR Astronomy Winter and summer Czech 3  
KMT/FPV Basic physics for science study
KMT/FPV Basic physics for science study Winter Czech 2  
KMT/KOSMZ Cosmology for BS Teachers
KMT/KOSMZ Cosmology for BS Teachers Winter and summer Czech 2  
KMT/VPFY1 Utilization of Computers in Physics 1
KMT/VPFY1 Utilization of Computers in Physics 1 Winter and summer Czech 3  
KMT/VPF1 Utilization of Computers in Physics 1
KMT/VPF1 Utilization of Computers in Physics 1 Winter and summer Czech 1  
KSA/AANSZ Applied ant. of skeleton and paleoant.
KSA/AANSZ Applied ant. of skeleton and paleoant. Summer Czech 0  
KSA/ADE Anthropological demography
KSA/ADE Anthropological demography Winter and summer Czech 3  
KSA/AHP Anthr. of Holocene Populat. in C. Europe
KSA/AHP Anthr. of Holocene Populat. in C. Europe Winter and summer Czech 3  
KSA/ANS1 Anthropological Seminar 1
KSA/ANS1 Anthropological Seminar 1 Winter Czech 1  
KSA/ANS2 Anthropological Seminar 2
KSA/ANS2 Anthropological Seminar 2 Summer Czech 1  
KSA/ANS3 Anthropological Seminar 3
KSA/ANS3 Anthropological Seminar 3 Winter Czech 1  
KSA/ANS4 Anthropological Seminar 4
KSA/ANS4 Anthropological Seminar 4 Summer Czech 1  
KSA/ANT1 Biological Anthrop. for Archaeologists 1
KSA/ANT1 Biological Anthrop. for Archaeologists 1 Winter Czech 6  
KSA/ANT2 Biological Anthrop. for Archaeologists 2
KSA/ANT2 Biological Anthrop. for Archaeologists 2 Summer Czech 6  
KSA/ARNSZ Archaeology
KSA/ARNSZ Archaeology Summer Czech 0  
KSA/ASNSZ Archaeology and Sociocultural Anthrop.
KSA/ASNSZ Archaeology and Sociocultural Anthrop. Summer Czech 0  
KSA/ATNSZ Anthr. of Hard Tissues and Bioarchaeol.
KSA/ATNSZ Anthr. of Hard Tissues and Bioarchaeol. Summer Czech 0  
KSA/AUSZ Anthropology of Complexe Societies
KSA/AUSZ Anthropology of Complexe Societies Summer Czech 0  
KSA/AVC Anthropology of human development
KSA/AVC Anthropology of human development Winter Czech 3  
KSA/BACL Human Biology for Anthropology Students
KSA/BACL Human Biology for Anthropology Students Winter Czech 6  
KSA/BANSZ Biological Anthropology
KSA/BANSZ Biological Anthropology Summer Czech 0  
KSA/BANT Biomedical Anthropology
KSA/BANT Biomedical Anthropology Winter Czech 3  
KSA/BAR Bioarchaeology
KSA/BAR Bioarchaeology Winter Czech 5  
KSA/BIA1X Biological Anthropology 1
KSA/BIA1X Biological Anthropology 1 Winter Czech 6  
KSA/BIA2X Biological Anthropology 2
KSA/BIA2X Biological Anthropology 2 Summer Czech 6  
KSA/BIA3Y Biological Anthropology 3
KSA/BIA3Y Biological Anthropology 3 Summer Czech 6  
KSA/DLP The Demography of Past Human Populations
KSA/DLP The Demography of Past Human Populations Summer Czech 3  
KSA/DPSAP Master's Seminar
KSA/DPSAP Master's Seminar Summer Czech 18  
KSA/EVOL Human Evolution
KSA/EVOL Human Evolution Summer Czech 5  
KSA/FABSZ Physical Anthropology
KSA/FABSZ Physical Anthropology Summer Czech 0  
KSA/FOR Forensic Anthropology
KSA/FOR Forensic Anthropology Summer Czech 5  
KSA/KEC Ethology of Human
KSA/KEC Ethology of Human Summer Czech 5  
KSA/LABSZ Human Variability and Adaptability
KSA/LABSZ Human Variability and Adaptability Summer Czech 0  
KSA/LPAN Laboratory Practice
KSA/LPAN Laboratory Practice Winter Czech 10  
KSA/LVA Human Variability and Adaptability
KSA/LVA Human Variability and Adaptability Summer Czech, English, Czech 5  
KSA/LVA1 Human Variability and Adaptability 1
KSA/LVA1 Human Variability and Adaptability 1 Winter Czech 6  
KSA/LVA2 Human Variability and Adaptability 2
KSA/LVA2 Human Variability and Adaptability 2 Summer Czech 6  
KSA/LVA3 Human Variability and Adaptability 3
KSA/LVA3 Human Variability and Adaptability 3 Summer Czech 6  
KSA/LVC Human Variability and Human Ecology
KSA/LVC Human Variability and Human Ecology Summer Czech, English, Czech 5  
KSA/MANT Medical Anthropology
KSA/MANT Medical Anthropology Winter Czech 5  
KSA/MKB1 Methods of Skeletal Biology 1
KSA/MKB1 Methods of Skeletal Biology 1 Summer Czech 6  
KSA/MKB2 Methods of Skeletal Biology 2
KSA/MKB2 Methods of Skeletal Biology 2 Winter Czech 3  
KSA/MTAN Methods of Field Anthropology
KSA/MTAN Methods of Field Anthropology Summer Czech 6  
KSA/PAT Paleopathology
KSA/PAT Paleopathology Summer Czech 4  
KSA/PDEM Palaeodemography
KSA/PDEM Palaeodemography Winter Czech 4  
KSA/POH1 The Locomotor System 1
KSA/POH1 The Locomotor System 1 Winter Czech 7  
KSA/POH2 The Locomotor System 2
KSA/POH2 The Locomotor System 2 Summer Czech 4  
KSA/RAN Retrospective anthropology
KSA/RAN Retrospective anthropology Summer Czech 4  
KSA/VKC Development of cognition and behaviour
KSA/VKC Development of cognition and behaviour Summer Czech 3  
KSA/ZNP Intro. to Neurophysiol. and Psychobiol.
KSA/ZNP Intro. to Neurophysiol. and Psychobiol. Summer Czech 4  
KSA/1BIA Biological Anthropology
KSA/1BIA Biological Anthropology Winter and summer English 10 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
KTV/BDPR Methodology of Recreational Physical Act
KTV/BDPR Methodology of Recreational Physical Act Summer Czech 5